The history of Indian marriage culture starts ever since the fourth century. In the past time, the marriage takes place when the couple was very young as to prevent bad incident. 

      Other than that, the boy’s parents will take the responsibility to seek for a matching alliance for him in his preadolescent age and then approached the girl’s family with preposition. Moreover, there used to be someone called the “middleman” and his job is to look for alliance and propose it to the family about the match. 
      In addition, the middleman also acted as the negotiator whereby he would suggest for the suitable date for the marriage to take place. Usually after matching the brides and the groom’s birth date. 

    In ancient time, the marriages took family with the perpetuations. The selection of the couple was based on Shastric ideas which mean that the guardian of the girl should not only see the boy’s body but also his conduct, family, education level and so on. 

      Most of the Indian would choose man that is slightly older than the girl. In medieval India, marriage was compulsory for everyone except for those who enduring asceticism. Furthermore, swayamvaras were arranged when the women wil choose the groom based on their skill and abilities shown. However, polygamy is not sanctioned to be practiced these days because once they have been married; they have to endure it until the last breath.

The picture shows the precedent Indian marriage